New Online Exploring Tools Bring NASA’s Journey to Mars to New Generation

A screen capture from NASA’s new Experience Curiosity website shows the rover in the process of taking its own self-portrait. Users can view Mars through the eyes of the rover, using the window in the lower, right corner. The control panel at left helps users navigate the rover itself, and… Read more“New Online Exploring Tools Bring NASA’s Journey to Mars to New Generation”

From a Million Miles Away, NASA Camera Shows Moon Crossing Face of Earth

A NASA camera aboard the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) satellite captured a unique view of the moon as it moved in front of the sunlit side of Earth last month. The series of test images shows the fully illuminated “dark side” of the moon that is never visible from… Read more“From a Million Miles Away, NASA Camera Shows Moon Crossing Face of Earth”

NASA’s Spitzer Confirms Closest Rocky Exoplanet

This artist’s concept shows the silhouette of a rocky planet, dubbed HD 219134b. At 21 light-years away, the planet is the closest outside of our solar system that can be seen crossing, or transiting, its star. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech This sky map shows the location of the star HD 219134 (circle),… Read more“NASA’s Spitzer Confirms Closest Rocky Exoplanet”

NASA to Release New Pluto Images, Science Findings at July 17 NASA TV Briefing

NASA will hold a media briefing at 1 p.m. EDT Friday, July 17, to reveal new images of Pluto and discuss new science findings from Tuesday’s historic flyby. The briefing will be held in James E. Webb Auditorium at NASA Headquarters, located at 300 E St. SW in Washington. NASA… Read more“NASA to Release New Pluto Images, Science Findings at July 17 NASA TV Briefing”