NASA’s Three-Billion-Mile Journey to Pluto Reaches Historic Encounter

Pluto nearly fills the frame in this image from the Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) aboard NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft, taken on July 13, 2015 when the spacecraft was 476,000 miles (768,000 kilometers) from the surface. This is the last and most detailed image sent to Earth before the spacecraft’s… Read more“NASA’s Three-Billion-Mile Journey to Pluto Reaches Historic Encounter”

‘Forever Remembered’ Shares Enduring Lessons of Challenger, Columbia

A section of the fuselage recovered from space shuttle Challenger, left, and the flight deck windows recovered from space shuttle Columbia are part of a new, permanent memorial, “Forever Remembered,” opening June 27 in the Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex in Florida. Credits: NASA/Kim… Read more“‘Forever Remembered’ Shares Enduring Lessons of Challenger, Columbia”

SpinSat Investigation Tests New Technology, Returns Data

Astronaut Ron Garan, Expedition 28 flight engineer, tweeted this image from the International Space Station in August, 2011 with the following caption: “What a `Shooting Star’ looks like from space, taken yesterday during Perseid Meteor Shower.” A special camera to record meteor showers will launch to the International Space Station… Read more“SpinSat Investigation Tests New Technology, Returns Data”

L-1 Day – Forecast Remains 90 Percent ‘Go’

With one day until launch of SpaceX’s seventh commercial resupply  mission, U.S. Air Force 45th Weather Squadron forecasters are predicting a 90 percent chance of favorable conditions for lift off. SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon spacecraft are scheduled to launch at 10:21 a.m. EDT, Sunday, June 28, from Space Launch… Read more“L-1 Day – Forecast Remains 90 Percent ‘Go’”

Rainfall Spacecraft Debris to Re-enter Over Tropics

Because TRMM’s orbit brings it only over the tropics between 35 degrees North latitude and 35 degrees South latitude, Europe, Russia and most of North America and Japan are outside of the potential re-entry area (shown here in gray). Credits: NASA June 11, 2015, Update: Re-entry of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission… Read more“Rainfall Spacecraft Debris to Re-enter Over Tropics”

Expedition 43 Crew Departs Space Station, Lands Safely in Kazakhstan

Expedition 43 Commander Terry Virts of NASA, Flight Engineers Anton Shkaplerov of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) and Samantha Cristoforetti of ESA (European Space Agency) touched down at 9:44 a.m. EDT (7:44 p.m., Kazakh time), southeast of the remote town of Dzhezkazgan in Kazakhstan. Credits: NASA TV Three crew… Read more“Expedition 43 Crew Departs Space Station, Lands Safely in Kazakhstan”