NASA Releases Detailed Global Climate Change Projections

The new NASA global data set combines historical measurements with data from climate simulations using the best available computer models to provide forecasts of how global temperature (shown here) and precipitation might change up to 2100 under different greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. Credits: NASA NASA has released data showing how… Read more“NASA Releases Detailed Global Climate Change Projections”

Roscosmos Announces New Soyuz/Progress Launch Dates

Station managers from Roscosmos have announced new Soyuz and Progress spacecraft launch dates through the end of the year. Meanwhile, the six member Expedition 43 crew on orbit has a packed schedule of homecoming preparations, science and maintenance. Three Soyuz crew missions to the International Space Station have been given… Read more“Roscosmos Announces New Soyuz/Progress Launch Dates”

NASA, Commercial Industry Creating Historic Economic Opportunities

Never in the history of spaceflight has potential for economic growth been so widespread or space so accessible to American industry, researchers, innovators and explorers. Today, American companies are sending hundreds of experiments to orbit that improve products and benefit our lives on Earth. Students are monitoring satellites of their… Read more“NASA, Commercial Industry Creating Historic Economic Opportunities”

Pushing the Boundaries of Propelling Deep Space Missions

Back to Gallery Engineers at NASA’s Glenn Research Center are advancing the propulsion system that will propel the first ever mission to redirect an asteroid for astronauts to explore in the 2020s.  NASA’s Asteroid Redirect Mission will test a number of new capabilities, like advanced Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP), needed… Read more“Pushing the Boundaries of Propelling Deep Space Missions”