Asteroid 2012 DA14 – Earth Flyby Reality Check 02.04.13

Asteroid 2012 DA14 – Earth Flyby Reality Check 02.04.13 Small near-Earth asteroid 2012 DA14 will pass very close to Earth on February 15, so close that it will pass inside the ring of geosynchronous weather and communications satellites. NASA’s Near-Earth Object Program Office can accurately predict the asteroid’s path with… Read more“Asteroid 2012 DA14 – Earth Flyby Reality Check 02.04.13”

NASA to Chronicle Close Earth Flyby of Asteroid

NASA to Chronicle Close Earth Flyby of Asteroid 02.13.13 Diagram depicting the passage of asteroid 2012 DA14 through the Earth-moon system on Feb. 15, 2013. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech › Larger view PASADENA, Calif. — NASA Television will provide commentary starting at 11 a.m. PST (2 p.m. EST) on Friday, Feb…. Read more“NASA to Chronicle Close Earth Flyby of Asteroid”

NASA’s Chandra Suggests Rare Explosion Created Our Galaxy’s Youngest Black Hole

Supernova remnant W49B. (X-ray: NASA/CXC/MIT/L.Lopez et al; Infrared: Palomar; Radio: NSF/NRAO/VLA) View large image New data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory suggest a highly distorted supernova remnant may contain the most recent black hole formed in the Milky Way galaxy. The remnant appears to be the product of a rare… Read more“NASA’s Chandra Suggests Rare Explosion Created Our Galaxy’s Youngest Black Hole”

Landsat Data Continuity Mission Awaits Liftoff

Landsat Data Continuity Mission Awaits Liftoff 02.08.13 Image above: Technicians encapsulate the NASA’s LDCM satellite in its payload fairing. Photo credit: NASA/VAFB › View Larger Image Image above: Technicians perform thermal blanket closeouts for the spacecraft’s fuel servicing valves. Photo credit: NASA/VAFB › View Larger Image Image above: A Centaur… Read more“Landsat Data Continuity Mission Awaits Liftoff”

NASA’s IRIS Spacecraft Is Fully Integrated

NASA’s IRIS Spacecraft Is Fully Integrated 01.18.13 › View larger The fully integrated spacecraft and science instrument for NASA’s Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) mission is seen in a clean room at the Lockheed Martin Space Systems Sunnyvale, Calif. facility. The solar arrays are deployed in the configuration they will… Read more“NASA’s IRIS Spacecraft Is Fully Integrated”