Beyond 2012: NASA Seeks to Debunk Doomsday Prophecy

click and watch As 2012 draws to a close, many websites, books and cable television shows are erroneously predicting the end of the world. These claims range from fears that a rogue planet is heading toward Earth, to solar flares torching our planet. David Morrison, a senior scientist and astrobiologist… Read more“Beyond 2012: NASA Seeks to Debunk Doomsday Prophecy”

Canadian Experiment to Track Space Radiation and Its Risks

Space can be a potentially hazardous environment to live and work in, especially when it comes to radiation. Originating from violent storms on the sun and galactic cosmic rays produced in distant supernovae explosions, this natural radiation can pose a serious health risk for astronauts on long-duration space missions like… Read more“Canadian Experiment to Track Space Radiation and Its Risks”

The Great 2012 Doomsday Scare

The Great 2012 Doomsday Scare 11.09.09 Scenes from the motion picture “2012.” Courtesy Columbia Pictures.This guest article on 2012 was written by E. C. Krupp, Director of Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles and is reprinted with permission from Sky & Telescope Magazine. The publisher and the author reserve all rights. All opinions are… Read more“The Great 2012 Doomsday Scare”