NASA-funded Simulations Show How Massive Collisions Delivered Metal to Early Earth

Artist concept shows the collision of a large moon-sized planetary body penetrating all the way down to the Earth’s core, with some particles ricocheting back into space. Credits: Southwest Research Institute/Simone Marchi Planetary collisions are at the core of our solar system’s formation. Scientists have long believed that after the… Read more“NASA-funded Simulations Show How Massive Collisions Delivered Metal to Early Earth”

NASA’s Van Allen Probes Survive Extreme Radiation Five Years On

Most satellites, not designed to withstand high levels of particle radiation, wouldn’t last a day in the Van Allen Radiation belts. Trapped by Earth’s magnetic field into two giant belts around the planet, high-energy particles in the region can batter the spacecraft and even interfere with onboard electronics. But NASA’s… Read more“NASA’s Van Allen Probes Survive Extreme Radiation Five Years On”

NASA’s Webb Telescope Completes Goddard Testing, Heading to Texas for More

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has successfully passed the center of curvature test, an important optical measurement of Webb’s fully assembled primary mirror prior to cryogenic testing, and the last test held at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, before the spacecraft is shipped to NASA’s Johnson Space… Read more“NASA’s Webb Telescope Completes Goddard Testing, Heading to Texas for More”